Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Propaganda Analysis, Maus Chp. 5 and Chp. 6

Great discussion on the propaganda from WWII.
Tonight, finish reading Maus and answer Chp. 5 and Chp. 6 questions.
1. What does the drain-pipe incident show us about Art's relationship with his father?
2. Discuss Art's comic strip "Prisoner on the Hell Planet." How does Mala react to the strip? Vladek?
3. Coming as it does after the concluding episode of Chapter Five, what is the significance of Mala and Art's conversation?
4. What is Art worried about with respect to the portrayal of his father in his book?
5. What happened to Anja's diaries? How does Art react?
6. Two questions (and answers) about rhetorical strategies. Remember to ask IN DEPTH ANALYSIS questions: not "What animal does Spiegelman use to symbolize the Poles," but "Why does Spiegelman characterize the Poles as pigs?" This is an AP course...treat it as such!

Some reminders:
1. Editorial cartoon Friday reading this week.
2. Maus I: My Father Bleeds History general questions due Friday.

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