Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Thoughts on Zen

Your "Zen" journals should be nearing completion. Remember to write entries that are thoughtful and demonstrate your personal reflection on Pirsig's book. In terms of the assessment of the assignment, I will be grading your entries based on how well you addressed the prompts given in class as well as demonstration of personal connection to the experiences of the narrator and other characters. Remember, your personal entries can be inspired by text from the book. In these cases, be sure to cite the passage from which you drew your inspiration. 

As promised, next week we will watch and analyze "Schindler's List." Even though it's been a couple of months since you read and analyzed MAUS and Night, the film will have a very significant impact on your perception of the struggles Vladek Spiegelman and Elie and Chlomo Wiesel endured. In terms of the film itself, our analysis will be in the Socratic style and focus on (but will not be limited to) the following:
1. Spielberg's methods of presentation
2. Appeals to ethos, pathos and logos
3. Examples of rhetoric used by the Nazis, their supporters, and those who opposed them
4. Symbols and symbolism
Remember! Your synthesis essay project is due Thursday. 
Your prompt must incorporate readings from the class this semester (excerpts from the books and/or various essays). Your grade is based on originality of the assignment as well as adherence to the proper synthesis essay format.

1. Specific and original introduction and an assignment on the first page. The directions should be verbatim from AP examples , but the introduction and assignment should be your own.
2. Seven sources (five of these sources MUST be from class readings this semester. The remaining two sources should be visually related: a chart, a photo, an editorial cartoon, etc.) When you are selecting excerpts from books and essay, you should be mindful about the selection. Your written sources should be limited to 350 words, so choose carefully.
3. Proper MLA citation of the sources in the source box at the top of each source page

Monday, December 6, 2010

More Zen...and a note about your personal synthesis essay

Today in class...
We read Chapter Seven of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintence. Today's journal entry should focus on the father/son relationship in Part I (not just chapter seven). You need to read Part II by Friday and write three additional journal entries. Your journals are personal, but should be inspired by the book.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pascal's Wager, Phaedrus, Socrates and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintence

Today's class was so much fun! I really enjoyed listening to your perspectives on religion and philosophy. Remember, religion is a type of philosophy!

One of your journal assignments for this book is to write a response to Pascal's Wager about Christianity. What did you think of his approach to religious belief? Also, you were to read through Part I of Pensees and select five "thoughts" that spoke to you. Explain what you think Pascal meant and why his ideas spoke to you. If you find a thought you adamantly disagree with, you should feel free to write a response to that thought too.

We read and discussed summaries of conversations between Phaedrus and Socrates. I love that we found a lot to agree on with an ancient Greek philospher. (Though I do wonder...what metaphor would work today in place of the winged horses and chariots? Somehow, I don't think a Prius or Smartcar would quite cut it...ha ha!)

For Friday: Turn in your LAST Friday reading of the semester. Hooray!

For Monday: Read the through the first six chapters of Zen. Write a journal entry about the metaphors (and other rhetorical strategies) Pirsig uses to share his advice about life. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More EOCT...

Thank you, everyone, for being in class to take the EOCT. Some reminders about tomorrow:

1. Bring your copy of Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintence.
2. Finish your assignment from Monday.
3. Remember that you are expected to turn in a Friday Reading this week.